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Seniors, dead people, animals and general weirdos has received instant stardom, all thanks to their microblogging enthusiasm.
10. shitmydadsays
Justin, 29, who lives with his 79 year old father, start to tweet about the many words of wisdom shared ‘Ol Papa Dukes, and receives instant Twitter celebrity status. Following levarburton only, and followed by over one million people, shitmydadsays might just teach you something about life.

It is always essential to know the time as well as date. Big Ben’s twitter page provides us with the appropriate number of bongs, that is the ones that tell us the hour, other time zones will just have to do their own math. Apparently more than 40,000 followers need a watch.

8. Emmasthoughts
Puppies are leaving their paw prints all over twitter these days. Emma’s thoughts about life as a dog are updated regularly. Emma tells readers all about her walks with mom and impatience with the cold weather attire of her owners. She’s not barking up the wrong twee(t) is she?

7. KatieBichon
Twitter could be going to the dogs or dogs are just finally finding new ways of expression. Katie Bichon doesn’t bother with the daily poop though, just the scoop on what a dog should mean to you. It appears tweeters are really into her hound advise.

Rodents are all the rage it seems as well on Twitter. Though certainly not big on lots of dialogue, common_squirrel is making a name for herself, or himself with over 13,000 followers! Don’t expect a lot of information on the proper way to crack an acorn. CS, as we’ll loving refer to her/him/it, is limited to “run, blink, sleep. Run run. Blink blink. Hop.”

If it’s news from outer space you are longing for, you won’t want to miss the updates from Mars! No, the Martians have not developed a link to our internet, but the Phoenix has! And from the twitter updates the Mars phoenix has adjusted to life on Mars just fine thank you.

No news is old news but can still be when it comes to twitter, even if it’s just tweeted. Octogenarian plus for four Ivy Bean is keeping everyone apprised of just how life at 104 is in West York. With over 54,000 followers it seems Mrs. Bean goes international.

If it’s wisdom you want, going to the Source is always the best option. And who better than tweet the wise words than God! Well in reality God is a Brazilian man and if you know the language of this “creator” you’re good to go!

2.Helen Keller
From the mouths of pups and squirrels to the wisdom of the aged and the ancient tweets from the dead are up there with the scariest and oddest. Helen Keller has regular tweets. As you might guess, Ms. Keller doesn’t have a lot to say.

1. TheMime
He may only have 14,000 plus followers but it can be safely said, he is the tweeter with the least to say. The Mime, tops the list for oddest, and possibly the best representative of what tweeting is all about.

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