10 Interesting Things You Might Not Know About Kate Middleton And Prince William

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Undoubtedly, the most awaited event in particular for the people of United Kingdom and in general for everybody across the globe. This is something which everybody is desperate to learn about and is second to none other. Before stepping in the wedding arena, I am sure everyone of my reader will love to know about some of the facts about the lovely couple. Love is really something out of blue and special thanks to the great scientist Newton for law of gravitation he proposed. Yes, now we know that there is some special force of attraction by virtue of which someone attracts you towards herself and this time the character was the honorable Prince William who fall in love with Kate Middleton. This occasion brings joy and happiness to all the people. Even the Talibans would feel relaxed for a day because the Allied soldiers want a day off. Where is Colonel? Hey, he is already arranging for a television set. Go get him!

Here are some of the facts about Kate Middleton and Prince William
Royal Wedding 2011 10 Interesting Things You Might Not Know About  Kate Middleton And Prince William

1. I would inform my parents of my engagement at least a week before because there surely must be some arrangements for it. Someone will orchestrate the engagement ceremony and all that. Looks like, Prince William cannot wait for that long. The couple informed the Queen and the Prince of Wales not 2 days but 2 hours before the engagement.

2. Can you ask for something after you have got that already? No not at all guys but this principle does not go with Prince William as he asked Kate’s father, Michael Middleton, after he has proposed to her.

3. Who care about what astrologers have to say about them? But readers, the star sign of Prince William and Kate Middleton is Cancer and Capricorn respectively which according to astrologers are antagonistic to each other. May God prove them wrong..

4. I am sure you cannot afford to miss out their nicknames for each other. It is “Babykins” for Kate and “Big Willie” for William. Just imagine Big Willie weds Babykins. ..This surely looks cute and adorable.

5. Let us move on to the couple’s favorite song. Which musical band is going to get the credit of releasing a song which is the favorite of the royal couple? Don’t get obfuscated as I am here to tell you and the band is Bodyrockers.

6. How do you impress a girl? Generally, this is something you practice a lot or you are perfect in that already. Now who can understand a situation of Prince Williams who claims to impress Kate by his cooking? The best part is that Kate had to come to the rescue of Prince’s cooking attempts every time he tried to impress her. I’d rather attend cooking classes first before trying any such thing.

7. The month of January is important for all the lovers from now onwards. The couple had their first public kiss on a skiing holiday in Kolsters in the month of January 2006. God knows if Valentine day is in danger or not. Guys, don’t forget it is 14th of FEBRUARY and not JANUARY…

8. I don’t know whether St Andrews is popular in respect of its academic excellence or not but what I do know now that St Andrews rocks because if Kate becomes Queen then she will be the first British Monarch with a degree from this university.

9. Prince William flew 12,000 ft above the sea level not because if was on some hiking adventure but to propose the lovely Kate Middleton. The location was next to a remote lake on the slopes of Mount Kenya. Some things are just simply amazing!

10. The island of Anglesey is going to get the honor of receiving the royal couple just after their wedding for a whole one year. Let us see what holds for them at Anglesey. It definitely must be something really stunning and amazing. That we will know after they have completed their time period there.

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