Aneh Banget!! Ditemukan Bayi dalam Rahim Bayi yang Baru Berumur 1 Tahun

Info Lowongan Kerja Bank BUMN CPNS Pertamina
One year old child found pregnant in **SENSOR**. Doctors says it’s a unique case for this world! Medical Science Report says : “When the mother of this child was pregnant, she had 2 fetuses inside her. But one of the fetus grew inside the other, this why this girl was born with the other fetus inside her womb.”

Silahkan diartiin sendiri ya gan....dan maaf terpaksa ane sensor tempat/lokasinya khawatir timbul yang aneh-aneh.

Kalau menurut agan gimana dengan kasus kayak gini?

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK


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